Cyclone 2


Based on rotational effects and gravity force, the cyclonic separation is a method for removing solid particles from air or gas stream. Cyclones are the major type of industrial gas-solid separator used because of their easy construction, low cost and ability to operate at high temperatures and pressures.This new release represents a major updating version of the cyclone software, and allows new functionalities described below.

Calculation models

To take into account particles concentration at the cyclone entrance, some modifications were realized on the existing calculation models, and an additionnal resolution model is now available for the using of a high particles loading : 

  • Bart,
  • Leith and Licht mdel,
  • Möthes and Löffler,
  • Lorenz,
  • Muschelknautz

(The Muschelknautz model is used by default when the solid concentration is > 10 g.m-3).

 Multi-cyclone combination:

In the particular case of a multi-cyclone combination, the software offers the possibility to develop a complex network consisting on an arrangement of several series and/or parallel cyclones configurations.

Validity range of the models:

Depending on the available datas, quantitative results can be calculated for a combination of two or three parameters chosen among fives major parameters:

  • volumetric flow rate (from 0.0001 to 1 000 m3.s-1),
  • cyclone diameter (from 0.01 to 3 m),
  • cut diameter (from 0.2 to 20 µm),
  • cyclone efficiency,
  • pressure drop (from 10 to 10 000 KPa).


 The Cyclone Software provides calculation of cyclone efficiency for a given geometry, or determination of geometry for a desired efficiency. The simulated results and the characteristic dimensions of the designed cyclone are directly accessible after calculation. The user has access to several quantities such as:

  • cyclone design,
  • cut diameter,
  • pressure drop,
  • cyclone efficiency,
  • volumetric flow rate.

The user has also access to the separation efficiencies for each particle size filed in the Cyclone Software.


To improve the results accessibility, all data results can be export in a post processing software using copy/paste functionalities.

The cyclone Software package is only available in english version and runs under all Windows operating systems (32 and 64 bits versions)

For more informations: